Following the successful Constituent General Assembly of the 25/01/20 in Yaounde which effectively created the Sacred Heart Ex Students Association Credit Union (SHESACCUL ), bearing in mind the huge enthusiasm manifested by mishé members and would be members ever since and pursuant to our work plan, the President of the BOD of SHESACCUL , Mishé Mboh Patrice Lumumba, on behalf of all the BOD members hereby wishes to heartily thank all Shesans, Shesanettes, Shesanites for this mark of confidence bestowed on him and his team. He further reassures them that their confidence will never be abused under his leadership. Finally, he invites each and every one of them to work together with the BOD so that this SHESACCUL venture could become the hallmark of the rebranding of Shesa that we’ve all been clamoring for.
Moving forward, he wishes to remind members and would be members that the latest date for the payment of at least 1/4 of share subscriptions is the 29/02/20 if we ambition to be considered as FOUNDING MEMBERS, with all the privileges attached to that title. Payment should be made directly into our NFC bank account, details of which and all other information concerning SHESACCUL could be gotten from our website
Cordially, BOD President.